Category Archives: Change
To react! Or not to react.
Sometimes we don’t feel we have a choice. Do you have an old behavior that is more REACTION than RESPONSE? You know, that thing that TRIGGERS you to do, say or be something that isn’t you anymore … Continue reading
Is there an art to asking?
This will be short. I have something I want to share about ASKING. Yep, asking. How do you feel about asking? Is it okay to ask? Do you have judgments about it? Do have any … Continue reading
I fumbled the goal.
Only two short months ago we celebrated the new year. Although I don’t set new year resolutions anymore, for the past few years, I have been setting intentions for how I want to live and feel in my life. And then … Continue reading
Gaining Career Clarity
You shared with me at the end of last year where you were feeling frustrated and challenged. Career came back at the top of the list. Love and money were close seconds. Utilizing some of the tools from my workbook, … Continue reading