Author Archives: Lori B
A Dating Profile for Overwhelm
In the past couple of weeks, I have heard some of you talk about an imposing and consuming force wrecking havoc…overwhelm. Let’s open the closet door and turn on a light to look at this … Continue reading
I have a confession to make.
I moved to Vancouver, B.C. and didn’t tell you. Except, now I am telling you. Why the secrecy? It wasn’t really a secret. Everything was just so uncertain. Have you ever had something be a … Continue reading
Here’s an opportunity to make time for yourself this holiday season.
Fall and winter can be a great time for reflection. It is a time when the world slows down (barely) and you have time to look back (after the holiday parties and gift buying) and look … Continue reading
Is there an art to asking?
This will be short. I have something I want to share about ASKING. Yep, asking. How do you feel about asking? Is it okay to ask? Do you have judgments about it? Do have any … Continue reading