Values are visceral





Value-Mart, Value-Shopper…the word value has been devalued by poor use or overuse. The word obviously has a deeper more powerful meaning and you’d be hard-pressed to find in recent history such a fireworks display of values across the globe as we had this past week.

“INTEGRITY”, “DIVERSITY”, “JUSTICE”…people using signs, their voice and actions to convey a personal truth about who they are and what they believe in.

I can’t imagine a more dynamic reason for engagement than when we feel our values will be realized, or taken away.

Are our values being realized in the world, taken away or somewhere in the middle? More importantly, are they being realized, taken away or somewhere in the middle in our own life?

It’s one thing to look out into the world to see if what’s important to you matters. It’s another to look at our own life to see if we’re living what matters.

How do we know?

Asking WHY is the shortest, and most poignant question to help us dig deep and efficiently to get at what’s important. Values are visceral, so asking ‘why’ helps you tap into the emotional elements of them. Why do I do this? Say that? Buy this? Donate to that? Take that answer and then ask, And why is that important?

In a few short minutes you can get to core values, the driver of our choices, behavior and resistance. Not unlike beliefs, we need to re-exam our values to see if they still are who we are…who we’ve become over the last year or ten.

Next time you feel elation or anger at an event in the world, ask why. And more importantly, the next time you feel elation or anger in your own life, ask why. There is a treasure chest of empowerment waiting to be tapped into to support you in what choices to make, what direction is best for you and to know on a deep and personal level who you are.

For those who’d like a little more, below is a short exercise for discovering and exploring values.

Lastly, the new moon occurs at 00:07 UTC / 4:07pmPST. It’s a great time to set new intentions around what’s important and what you want to experience.

Lori B.


Get out a sheet of paper and a pen. Draw a big circle on the page. Then, draw a line down the center dividing the circle in two. Then draw another line dividing it again…and again until you have 8 pie slices in your circle.

Take a moment to ponder, when you think about the life you desire, what are elements that make it satisfying? For example, family, community, health, career, finances etc.

Write each one in a pie slice. If you need more than 8, simply divided one of the slices for more spaces.

Focus on one category. For example, “health”. Now ask yourself, why is this important? (Jot down notes next to the category or on a separate sheet of paper.)

Take it a step deeper. And ask, why is that important? As you dig down you will invariably hit a core value.

i.e. Health is important because I want to be well and feel good. Why? So I don’t spend time in doctors offices. Why? Because I want to travel and be clear minded throughout to the long years of life and be independent. Why is that important? I want to be free to take care of myself, travel and live.

Core value is freedom.

Do this with each of the categories. At the bottom of the page, write down the core values you’ve discovered.

Are you living these values? If yes, how? If not, what steps could you take to start?

Remember, small consistent action can create big, meaningful change.

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