Start at your center







Today is a full moon and it felt right to start my New Year with you now. I’m changing things up a little bit. First of all, I’ll be sharing with you primarily on the new moon and full moon to work in alignment with that natural cycle as it feels like a more organic time to connect.

I’ve already sketched out a year of conversation in support of personal growth, exploration and expression. Included will be exercises to create deeper awareness, tools to create change, sharing ideas and concepts, exploring beliefs, patterns and behavior and resources to support you in your journey of living your best life and being the fullest expression of yourself everyday.

In January we START AT OUR CENTER – the place within where we connect to peace, ease, truth, inner strength, knowing-ness, compassion and more. There are a myriad of experiences that happen in our day to pull us from our center. Our focus is on how to return to it.

Piero Ferrucci, in his book “Your Inner Will: Finding Personal Strength in Critical Times” said, “Even when a misfortune befalls us, we can learn to find in ourselves a nucleus unharmed by that misfortune. Beyond the continuous flow of becoming, an immutable essence, firmly and reassuringly, always is. To it we can always return: from it we can draw safety and serenity.”

We can’t talk about our center without talking about our heart. I’d like to share with you, Heart Math Institute, a non-profit research and education organization whose mission “…is to help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance.” They offer a free ebook that shares their research and discoveries on the science of the heart. Their scientists are also exploring the electrophysiology of intuition, how all things are interconnected and much more. Videos, classes and even training session are available.

I recorded a short, 6-minute exercise to walk you through exploring YOUR center. This is where we begin for 2017.
CLICK HERE for the recording
In my next post we’ll focus on our values. They are unique to each of us and are at the center of who we are. I’ll offer an exercise to revisit and gain deeper clarity on what’s important and why.

Let’s LEAN IN to this new year, gently and whole-heartedly, to create the change we want in our life.

If you have any questions on what I’ve shared or on the exercise, or want to request a topic to explore, please don’t hesitate email me.

Lastly, the full moon is a good time to release anything that no longer serves you. What are you ready to let go of?