I fumbled the goal.

Only two short months ago we celebrated the new year.

Although I don’t set new year resolutions anymore, for the past few years, I have been setting intentions for how I want to live and feel in my life. And then this past December a workbook was referred to me and because I love workbooks I thought I’d give it a try even though I knew goal-setting would be involved.

One of the big points the author stresses is to review your goals monthly. So at the end of January, I took some time to review them and noticed that I barely made a dent on what I set out to achieve for the first month. At that moment, an old and familiar feeling of disappointment set in backed up with a dose of “did you really think you were going to get that far?” A very chiding voice that is and the same one that made me decide to stop setting new year resolutions. But! I wanted to stretch myself with exploring short term/long term goals.

I stretched myself right back into an old feeling of crazy and that I don’t know how to achieve a reasonable goal as mine all appear to ridiculous and lofty. (Same old chiding voice.) In the past I might have shut the book and tossed it somewhere it wouldn’t catch my eye for the next year times infinity. Instead I had another thought. What if I reduce the goal? Is that cheating? Is that not the point? Is that bad? Who knows? What I did know is I was about to give up on myself, an old habit I’ve been happy to live without.

What I realized was I set a goal and even laid out how I was going to get there. All very logical. But I didn’t account for some things taking longer than others (both creatively and technically) and that the world may not respond to me as quickly as I’d like. I was being rigid in my thinking that because that’s what I wrote it was law. But flexibility and adaptability are traits I also value. In my old habit to throw the baby out with the bathwater, I decided instead to assess where I’m at with my goals and make some slight adjustments to keep me moving towards the goal. I decided to follow-through (which is my theme for this year) and to not give up. I realized I had my lenses mixed up. I was looking through lack instead of abundance.

Did you set resolutions or goals? Are you having the results you’d like? Support is available.

Lets book a session! 

* For 1-hour we will focus on one or more of your goals

* Set up a plan to get there

* Identify obstacles and remove them

* Create a type of accountability that best works for you


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